Family Immigration May Increase for Growing Hispanic Population

Family Immigration May Increase for Growing Hispanic Population

For immigrants, coming to the United States is sometimes done with the hope of prosperity. An increase in opportunities is said to be leading the growth of Hispanic immigrants coming into the country. A report written by Anna Brown and Mark Hugo Lopez of Pew Research Center says that the Hispanic population is becoming more evenly spread out across the country. Some of the 3,143 counties in the country are experiencing a decline, but 3,018 counties have had an increase in the Hispanic population.

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Priests Head to Arizona Border to Advocate Immigration Reform

Priests Head to Arizona Border to Advocate Immigration Reform

Immigration reform has been a hot topic among many in recent years, including among the clergy. Recently, a group of Catholic leaders converged upon the Arizona-Mexico border near Nogales to push for immigration overhaul; an issue they say is not political or economic, but moral.

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Tech Companies Take New Approach to Securing Work Visas

Tech Companies Take New Approach to Securing Work Visas

Today, operations for nearly every business in the U.S. involves computer processes of some kind. Companies need internal computer applications to operate efficiently. And to thrive in today’s world, many also need a Web presence in order to connect with potential clients. To make all of these things happen — and ensure they function properly — companies need coders.

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German Family Receives Asylum Relief After Clock Strikes 12

German Family Receives Asylum Relief After Clock Strikes 12

Asylum can be granted to immigrants residing in the United States and facing removal. It can be granted on the basis that an individual or family fears persecution upon the return to their home country. In the case of one family from Germany, this was exactly the reason that the family of eight sought asylum when they were faced with deportation.

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Individuals Waiting for Family-Based Visas Facing Longer Delays

Individuals Waiting for Family-Based Visas Facing Longer Delays

The stereotypical image of the nuclear American family is just that, a stereotype. In reality, American families are extremely unique, extremely diverse. Residents with a non-citizen spouse, child or parent must obtain a green card for this individual before they can legally join them in the United States.

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